Plan miasta Bittering

Bittering - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Hof ten Dormaal

Estate bottled beers -- they produce/grow all of their own barley malt and hops on their farm!! "The tiny Hof ten Dormaal farm brewery is situated in the vally of the Dyle River in Tildonk, Belgium. The new brewery began with the abiding principal of introducing original ales ... As part of the painstaking, hand-crafted art of their brewing process, owner/brewmaster Andre Janssens and son Dries use only barley malt and bittering hops that they themselves grow on the farm. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Hop Henge IPA

Colorado has soo much to offer for a guy like me, which is why I continuously find myself vacationing there year in year out. It helps that many of my good friends have relocated to Colorado as well, I just can't get enough of the mountains ! ... A good bittering in the aftertaste is required to cancel out the malt sweetness that is powerful in this one. Overall this was maybe a bit thick for me, biscuity for sure, a lighter mouthfeel and malt bill is my preference, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Mixology Monday: Brown Bitter and Stirred and The Doral Cocktail

Bittering agents and what they bring to a well balanced drink. The Doral Cocktail and the La Amaraga Tres are highlighted.
źródło: BlogSearch
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